
What is CouponChamp Ads - Best ideas to remove the CouponChamp Ads

What is the CouponChamp Ads?
CouponChamp Ads is a fake anti-malware program that pretends to secure your computer from spyware, but in reality this program itself is a spyware. This rogue program is promoted using free and shareware programs. CouponChamp Ads is usually installed on a computer when users download files from file shareware websites. Once installed it will change windows settings and disable any genuine security programs installed on your computer. CouponChamp Ads will automatically start computer scanning without your permission and displays fake scan reports which says your computer is infected with dangerous trojan and spyware. The files which the fake scan report shows as infected are actually genuine Windows files. Therefore, please do not delete any of the files which the fake scan reports as infected, because doing so will corrupt your windows operating system.

This kind of backdoor is very tricky; it keeps coming back from time to time if it hasn’t been removed absolutely. trojan.happili.xgen is the detection for malware that intercepts web browser traffic and redirects search engine results. It is a dangerous computer infection which penetrates into users computers secretly without permission. These series viruses are designed by cyber cribbers to prevent antivirus detection. Such infection by loading itself into memory separately from the host program, the virus can continue to run in your system’s memory even after the host program is closed down.

Some Symptoms of CouponChamp Ads Infection:

1. This virus relocates your internet connection and informs you browsing activity is unsafely.
2. Desktop background image and Browser homepage settings are changed, the same as almost all Trojan infections.

3. This virus slows down your computer speed considerably. This includes opening program, shutting down your computer, and slowing down Internet.
4. This virus pops up annoying advertisements while you surfing the internet.
5. This virus will shut down your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs. This virus will also infect and corrupt your registry, making your computer totally bareness.
6. This virus will disable the proper running of many different programs, including such harmless ones as Notepad. This may include actual anti-malware software that you need to maintain system security.

7. This virus may reveal your personal information, which can lead to personal and property in unsafe condition.

